Frequently Asked Questions

Employee working agreements

  1. A total of 1 hour is required over a standard 8-hour workday.
  2. This can be split into 15-minute or 30-minute segments throughout the day depending on your needs.
  3. We encourage discussion and interaction with management and agents to decide on set times for each day so these can be monitored
  1. Weekends and overtime
    MSA do not currently operate over weekends or overtime unless specific arrangements are made.
  2. South African Public Holidays
    All agents work unless a specific arrangement is made. There’s no additional cost to you, it’s all part of the monthly service we provide. 
  3. US Federal Holidays
    When we start working together, we discuss the calendar in advance. Apart from Xmas and New Year’s Day, our agents are available to work.
  4. PTO & Leave Arrangements
    All agents are entitled to 15 PTO days per year that accumulate at a rate of 1.25 days per month. These voluntary days must be arranged 14days in advance and communicated and approved with MSA management and withthe client. All client-based leave requirements must be communicated with agents and MSA. i.e. Agents may not take certain days off in a calendar year e.g., days after and before federal holidays etc.


We require a 30-day notice period to terminate an employee’s contract.

No. You can hire 1 employee — or 10. Our clients often start out with 2 or 3 agents and quickly grow to 15 or 20 agents when they see how convenient it is and how skilled and professional our staff are.

  1. For new campaigns, it is imperative that the first training session(s) be done by someone from your team. All training sessions are recorded and stored for future use in our encrypted archive. When the campaign expands it’s easy to scale up without increasing productivity instead of wasting countless hours on training repeatedly.
  2. During this training, expectations must be made clear to agents and goals must be set.
  3. We provide basic workplace training including office etiquette & communication protocols.

KPIs are vital to helping us ensure your staff meet your goals. With clear expectations and targets, we can oversee your staff and keep them on track. If you don’t have existing KPIs, we will help you set them.

We’ve been in the game long enough to know that guaranteeing 100% perfect is unrealistic. If KPIs aren’t met, we relentlessly investigate the root cause to identify where the gap lies whether it’s training, expectations, communication channels, skills, or capabilities. Once we’ve pinpointed the issue, we work with you to fix the issues to help your staff succeed going forward.

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We follow a thorough, multi-step process to ensure your employee fits in well with your business, but would never claim to get it right 100% of the time. 

  • If you’re not happy with your employee, let us know immediately so we can address it. We’re open, flexible, and genuinely curious about your experience, and are here to help. 
  • Working with remote staff is a learning curve. When it makes sense, we’ll recommend small adjustments that can make a big impact and solve the issue. 
  • It’s important to allow time for new acclimation (several days) while monitoring progress daily.
  • If there’s no viable solution, and the individual cannot fulfill your needs, we’ll recruit candidates to replace the agent. Our primary goal is for your employee to add maximum value, and we do whatever it takes to make that happen.
  • We can seamlessly integrate with your in-house phone system
  • Alternatively, all new employees are provided with a softphone and an
  • offshore number for contact purposes
  • If you require full phone engagement throughout the day, we can create a custom service to accommodate unlimited call time

Ensuring working IT systems is mission-critical. We’ve got technical on-site support during all operating hours, ready to fix any issues that may pop up.

Find out how remote staffing can save
you money, time & headspace.

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